Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day One!

Woo! The start of another beach mission! Section 12 set up all their tents today and got the place running, the section 6 core team came down and set up some of their things as well before joining section 12 for dinner. Mmm, pizza. After that came tent knocking! We split up around the camping grounds and 'knocked' on other tents to tell them about the program, funtimes! Ruth and Jesse led us in some worship, and we all lit candles as a visual for the 'light of the world' bible verse and sung 'this little light of mine', tehehe. After that - bed time! I'm writing this under my doona so that I don't keep my tent buddies awake. In all it's been a nice day. The weather was good and there were good vibes all around. Exhausting work today, but good. And of course, no day is complete without a T-brush party:

Saturday, January 3, 2009

About this blog.

This blog is a small way of keeping in contact with home and letting our friends know what is happening while the team is on mission.

It will include pictures, details of the days' events, and prayer requests, and allows you as the reader to comment with a greeting or prayer.

So enter your email in the subscribe box to get updates and let the funtimes rollllll!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


SUFM stands for Scripture Union Family Mission. Peninsula SUFM is a short term mission program run on the Mornington Peninsula Foreshore by Scripture Union Victoria.

During an SUFM children, teens and families have fun getting to know God through getting to know SUFM team members, watching dramas, joining in crazy games, making things, engaging with the Bible, hearing stories and being heard.

Go to for more info.

Peninsula SUFM